Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

How to Quit Smoking ?

Why should I quit?

Everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer when you're old, but know that it also has negative effects on your body now? A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals and at least 43 of the chemicals cause cancer in humans. Some of the other chemical products are poisonous. Some of the worst are:

* Nicotine: a deadly poison
* Arsenic: used in rat poison
* Methanol: a component of rocket fuel
* Ammonia: found in floor cleaning solution
* Cadmium: Used in batteries
* Carbon Monoxide: part of the toxic waste cart
* Formaldehyde: used to preserve (keep in perfect condition) body tissues
* Butane: lighter fluid from the
* Hydrogen Cyanide: the poison used in gas chambers

Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, small amounts of these chemicals are going into your blood through your lungs. They travel to all parts of your body, which can cause damage.

No Smoking SignSi are reading this then you probably already taken the first step. You're thinking about how to stop smoking! The decision to stop smoking can be overwhelming, but with the help of this leaflet and the support of your family and friends can do it!. Half of all people who have ever smoked have stopped, so you can join. If you had previously tried to quit, but it did not work, you can use what they learned earlier that you may be successful this time. It can be very difficult to quit, but once you've done, you'll see better, smell better, feel better and be healthier!

Okay, I decided to try to quit. How do I succeed this time?

Excellent! This is a very positive step. There are some things you can do before quitting to help you increase your chances of success:

* If you've tried to quit before, think about why it did not work. What can you do this time to help you succeed?
* Tell your family and friends you are quitting smoking. Ask them they will not bother you or make fun of it, because you do seriously. Ask them to give you support, not to smoke around you and giving you no cigar.
* Throw out all your cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays. If you are going to be a nonsmoker, do not need these things again.
* Talk to your doctor about nicotine replacement methods. Chicléts the nicotine patch, spray, and some new drugs may actually help people stop smoking. However, if these products work, it is important to use the correct form. Make sure someone explains how to use them correctly.
* Join a support group in your school or community.
* Find someone to call for when you feel you're experiencing a moment of weakness and you could fumarte a cigar. This person must know you are trying to quit smoking and can remember all the reasons why we decided to stop smoking.

What can I do to stay quit?

The hardest part of quitting is breaking the habits that go with it. For example, if you're used to smoke with friends when they go together, it will be difficult to go out with them and not smoking. The best way to stay smoke-free is not put in situations where there are people smoking and stay away from places where smoking used.

* Avoid places and situations where you normally smoke.
* Spend a few days or weeks away from friends who smoke.
* Go with your friends to places where no smoking is allowed, such as shopping malls or cinema.
* If you drink alcohol. The drink will diminish your strength and increase your chances of fumarte a cigar.
* If your family smokes, ask them not to smoke in your room.
* Make exercise. Your mind will be distracted from the cigarette will make you feel better, and keep you healthy.
* Plan activities during the first weeks to keep your mind off the cigar. It will be easier to stop smoking if you stay busy.
* Buy a large quantity of carrots, celery and other healthy foods that you can bite instead of smoking.

How will I feel when quitting smoking?

If you're a regular smoker, your body has become accustomed to nicotine and other chemicals near all the time. Probably feel some withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking. This means that you will feel anxious to cigars, or maybe you just feel uncomfortable or nervous. Many people confuse hunger with anxiety nicotine. You need to listen to your body, not to eat when not hungry. Do something to keep you busy. If you must eat, try to eat healthy things like carrots or celery.

When I go by the anxiety cigar?

In one or two weeks, the anxiety nicotine and will feel more normal. At first you may feel frustrated, angry or depressed. You'll get the impression that you're alone in your suffering and that no one understands what you're passing by. Although this will be difficult, these feelings will go with time. After a couple of weeks, you've passed the hardest part-the physical addiction, when your body feels it needs the nicotine. However, it can still be difficult to resist a cigarette. The habit of having a cigarette in your hand and smoke while doing certain activities, such as talking on the phone or go out with friends can be difficult to break.

After stop smoking can fumarme a once in a while?

Many people going through the most difficult part of the waiver of snuff and mistakenly think they can start to smoke a cigar occasionally. Soon, their old habits come back and find they are addicted again. To smoking is difficult for most people, so when you pair, you make a commitment to yourself to not to re-ignite a cigar.
Oops! I smoked a cigar. I guess quitting is very difficult for me.

If you had a weakness and you smoke a cigarette while trying to quit, do not worry!. This does not mean you can not quit. Quitting smoking is very difficult to achieve, and it is not surprising that you had a moment of weakness at some point and have smoked a cigarette. The important thing of all, is not using this reason to turn back into a regular smoker. Think of this as an error, repítete yourself and not let that happen again. You can do it!

What happens if you really start smoking again?

If you try to quit smoking and did not work, do not give up. Quitting smoking is very difficult. Think about why you do not quit work. Only you know why you like smoking, and only you can know what you need to quit. Start by thinking about what you can do to help you quit for good. Try quitting in a few weeks and use what you learned from your first experience to make it work the second time.

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